Thursday, November 1, 2007

How could this go down? (Implications Post)

Every side of the abortion debate holds it's share of emotionally charged arguments and logical fallacies. Personalized, accusatory and faulty arguments are the reasons for which the debate is so divisive. It's hard not to visit a string of Pro-Life sites without once reading references to women who seek abortions as being "murderers." It is hard not to run across the name "religious zealots," denoting the pro-lifers, while scanning pro-choice sites. Both sides neglect to recognize the positive intentions of the opposing view and instead condense the argument to simplified logic void of morals or intellect.
Pro-life debaters seem to forget that those who are pro-choice do not wish to promote abortion necessarily. They do not believe in abortion, as much as they believe in the right for a woman to decide for herself whether of not she is in favor of the procedure. Using the term "pro-life" seems to beg the claim that the opposing view is "pro- death."
Pro-choice supporters seem to forget that not everyone who is pro-life is as judgmental and closed minded as choice activists like to claim they are. Pro-lifers are not unintelligent and they are not against feminism. They may simply believe that life begins before most abortions would occur and logic tells them it would be wrong for the government to tolerate the termination of such life. Maybe they believe the potential for human life should hold a more significant wait within the legal system then the mother's rights of free will.
If understanding does not take root between both sides of the debate sometime soon; the problem will only grow worse. Hatred for the opposing view will only increase and with that will grow a greater lack of tolerance. The intolerance has already become evident in our culture in the rude remarks made in the classroom, the radical picketing on the streets and the violence outside of clinics.


Unknown said...

abortion can never be ethical... there are two types of abortion : medical (when mother is to young, ill....and this can kill her) and stupid abortion(made by women who doesen't care about life, selfish, woman ho deserve death. those women should think this is a bless..from Good! there are a lot of people who want a baby and can not have.). but none of them is ethical.

Anonymous said...

Abortion when done early is a medical procedure.