Thursday, November 1, 2007

Want to Learn more About this Topic?

Type in the the word "abortion" to any major search engine and a slew of sites will appear, all with differing perspectives and amounts of coverage addressing different aspects of the issue. You will learn a great deal fairly quickly if you take the time to read. It is important to keep in mind, however, that since abortion is such a divisive debate the sites about abortion often contain biased perspectives. The media may be rich in logical fallacies and emotionally charged statements. It's primary focus may be to persuade the reader, and at times this occurs at the expense of truth. When reading these sites take in the information, but be sure to compare it to your previously acquired knowledge and original thoughts. Be prepared to make your own assumptions of the validity of the arguments presented.

Abort73 is a Pro-life site that I found very useful and found myself reverting back to quite often. It is a little radical in some of it's arguments, but overall I believe it presents a broad spectrum of valid information. It contains not only a clear layout of a pro-life argument, but an in depth analysis of the debate. The site covers the history of abortion, it's legality, and up to date statistics. The site is personal and informative. I especially appreciated the ease with which a visitor may navigate the site.

Abortion Facts is a clearly presented site which provides a large range of information on the issue. The site does a pretty good job of remaining neutral on the issue, presenting the arguments for both sides of the debate in a symmetrical format. This site also provides good links to more information on abortion in general as well as the debate. It links visitors to other issues that correlate with abortion.

Hope Clinic is the official website of an abortion clinic located in Illinois, and I actually found it as a relevant source for information. It is helpful for understanding the how the practice of abortion is presented to someone who might be interested. Viewing the sight gives insight into the practical and personal aspects of abortion and it's relevance to our culture. The Clinic's site also provides a helpful time line of the history of abortion and the abortion debate.

Just Facts is an impressively unbiased website worth checking out. It contains information on the practice and on the debate. The site presents the facts behind the arguments of the debate clearly, but even more impressively it encourages readers to think independently about the facts being presented.

I went through the list of all the sites I visited throughout this project and choose the four I found the most beneficial and quite frankly, the most interesting as a whole. I hope you enjoy!

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