Thursday, October 11, 2007

Throwing thoughts out there...

The more research I do..the more i feel that this is going to be simply a matter of personal conviction to me. I can't help but feel that abortion is wrong, but i realize it might be something for which we never find a clear black and white answer. For that lack of clarity, I have a hard time faulting someone for being pro-abortion. Ultimately i think it comes down to deciding at what point you believe the human being comes into existence. I hope that anyone who believes that a fetus is, in fact, a human life at the time of abortion would never support the action. In good faith of humanity, I'll assume those who do consider themselves pro-choice are not also pro-death, but rather, do not believe that the choice being made affects a living creature. Is this too narrow minded of an assumption to make?


Anonymous said...

Well I suppose you're correct in that each person must make the decision of when a life begins truly. If everyone can make this decision for themselves, then maybe it's alright for abortion to be legal. Nobody is forced to get an abortion, it's a choice. Ironically, people who support ending abortion to stop death often end up supporting the death penalty (my topic) as well.

Kristy said...

I think that your opinion on the matter is very tolerant and accepting of other people's opinions and choices. Every person has different views and values and the way you are raised, your religious views, and many other aspects tie into this. If you don't believe that abortion is right, then you should just choose to disregard it, whether you like it or not it exists....there is nothing you can do about it. So you have the choice to do it or not, so let others have the right to make their decisions and views on it. If someone else chooses to do it, thats their business just dont take it personally.

jonnyboy said...

I agree with you too. It is an extremely complicated argument with no simple solutions. How one views an individual's life really does determine how they will feel about abortion. In essence, it can be argued that both pro-choice and pro-life are one in the same, that is that they both result in the end of a life. In being pro-choice, the life of the fetus would be take away. However, by being pro-life, the life of the woman is brought to an end. The very root of being a human being arises from our ability to reason and choose. If this choice is taken away, the woman's "life" is also taken away. Although this is a stretch, it just proves how complicated this issue truly is and how difficult it would be to provide a solution.

Fred said...

I have a hard time agreeing with the statement, "If you don't believe that abortion is right, then you should disregard it...there is nothing you can do about it." I believe there is such a thing as immoral apathy. If you truly believe something is wrong, it is immoral to sit back and watch it take place without trying in any way to prevent it. I believe abortion is wrong, and that it is, in fact, a way of murdering an unborn child. With beliefs such as this is it not wrong to sit back and ignore what is being done in society today. There is a difference between standing up for what you believe and being closed minded. I opt for the first choice. Why? Not because the issue is any less important to me or because I "choose to disregard it," but because I believe tolerance is the key to change.

Fred said...

You said, "It can be argued that both pro-choice and pro-life are one in the same, that is that they both result in the end of a life." This is an interesting point. Does this mean that the argument falls into the decision of which life holds greater value? I'd hate to think that our society in America, where all are created equal, has grown to feel it has the right to make that judgment.
Also, you mentioned that, "The very root of being a human being arises from our ability to reason and choose." If this is true, then i assume abortion is not, in fact taking away someones ability to reason or choose, but rather, their potential to have those abilities. Pro-lifers might argue that the woman's "life" is only temporarily taken away, where as the child's is stolen permanently.

Fred said...

Jatate- I think you brought up a VERY interesting point in speaking of the trends between an individual's opinion on abortion and on the death penalty. I've never understood how the republican party commonly holds this perspective. To me, they completely contradict one another. I'm pretty sure I do not agree with abortion but I know I don't support capital punishment. I believe both are a matter of people feeling they have the right to take another person's life and I don't agree with that under any circumstances; innocent or guilty.

Alison said...

fred, i agree with most of what u are saying but.. im a republican and the reason why i support the death penalty is because they had a chance at life and they slaughtered someone themselves. therefore abusing their life. we are paying millions a year to support these murderers and feed them.babys however are very diffrent, babys are first of all innocent and have not yet sinned. i dont kno if u are a beleiver or not but from what i just read u atleast have good morals..... for the rest of you... , u said that pro-lifers should just deal with it bassically. i disagree, we all should stand up for what we beleive in. i wouldnt let someone shoot someone on the street i would try to stop them to save a life. hitler said that jews were less than human and that is exactly what they are saying about unborn children today. bassically the holocaust is happening today in amounts of lives taken. the big question is wen does life start? as soon as sperm enters the egg dna is forming within 9 weeks the baby is developing and most abortions havent taken place before 12 weeks and wen i say most i mean MOST. if u want to convince yourself that millions of unbabys arent being killed throughout the years go right on ahead but i choose to take a stand because i care. do u understand how diffrent our world could have been if all of those unborn children would have survived? i mean the world could have been tottaly changed around scientist who found wonderful discoveries, amazing writers. its amazing that so many people dont stand up for this mass killing of innocent human beings. and for us christians god knew us before we were in the womb and god meant for us to have those children. give them a chance
; a chance at what u have right now. a life. i pray for the pregnant wemon out there still deciding on their decision. choose the right decision for your child and be selfless for once. you honestly think that having an abortion will make things better? u will not be able to sleep from regret and you will never be able to take it back ever and u will think about it everyday for the rest of your life. and when you die you will be held accountable for what u did. and u will feel sick and discusting for however long u live. and if u have this baby u will go through temporary pain and then be grateful that u didnt kill the person that you now love so much.a child is an amazing gift under any circumstances.that human lifes purpose will be fufilled!! dont let science decieve your mind from what you kno is right

JM said...

I don't believe that anyone has the right to tell anyone else what they can or cannot do with their body. Yes if a guy pull out a gun at walmart and you think you can stop him more power to ya. But you're being naive if you think that comparing a guy shooting another guy to abortion.

Women deserve the right to choose for themselves. Someone else's religion shouldn't be able to dictate what women can and cannot do to their bodies. You talk about how all these unborn babies could've been scientists or wonderful people who contribute to our society, I say what if they were the next unibomber or Charles Manson.

Most of the women who have abortions don't do it because they are going to bring the baby up in a stable home with love and financial stability. They abort the baby because they feel like they won't be able to offer it the things it deserves. A homeless woman can have a baby, but can she provide for it, NO! And any of you out there who want to give me that love is all you need bullshit go live under a bridge and call me after a year! Also, the last thing we need is another freakin family on welfare. If a woman can't afford to provide for her child she needs to do what she thinks is best to remedy that situation.

Yes, adoption is an alternative, but there are women out there who don't have the 9 months of their life to sacrifice to carrying a child. And don't even think about saying the 9 months is easy, I've done it 3 times, it's not! You're body is not your own. Then there's maternity leave from work, you have to take off to recover and then and then go back to work 3 sizes bigger feeling fat and having to deal with some woman whos been filling in with you while you've been gone, some woman who's probably been told that you "might" not come back so she "might" have your job. And then there are the women who get fired while they are pregnant (not because they're pregnant of course, but suddenly those things at work that were acceptable 6 months ago are no longer).

Basically my long winded point's the woman's choice....end of discussion...she has to do what's right for her...if it's what's right for you you won't regret it every day for the rest of your life...if you have the child because you listen to someone who tells you abortion is wrong you may end up resenting that child for the rest of your life...and then two people suffer