Sunday, October 21, 2007

Sayin what? That seems like a double standard if I've ever seen one.

We have broken down the issue of abortion to one single question, "When does life begin?" An answer to this question would solve both the question of ethics as well as legality in the issue of abortion, and it is with your personal answer to this question that you may decide your individual perspective of abortion. Did you know, however, that it seems the government holds two opposing answers to this question within it's laws. The United States enforces fetal homicide laws, which say that terminating an embryo or fetus against the mother's will is considered the murder of a human being. Lacy and Connor's law, or the unborn victim's of violence act of 2004, refers to the victim as a "child" and calls it's termination "murder." These laws protect the right of human beings to not have their lives taken against their will and state that fetus do, in fact, fall under such protection. I find it ironic that these fetal homicide laws give the unborn the stature of humanity, yet this identification is withheld when it comes to abortion laws. Our government seems to say that basically a fetus is only a human being if the mother wants it.


Healthy Lungs said...

So when does the life begin according to the government? If the fetus must be aborted because of health issues for the mother's sake, it should be the mother's choice to abort or kill the fetus. She would understand if her life was in danger so the fetus should not be taken from her if she does not want it to be. So is the government saying that the fetus is a human being when it is conceived only if the mother wants it, and it is not a human being when conceived or any time thereafter if the mother does not want the baby? The government has a lot of loop holes for every type of issue and this is definitely one of them.

wes4heels said...

I feel that there are certain circumstances when an abortion is necessary. When the woman has been raped. A child is god's miracle that He provided us humans to have. The art of babymaking is a miracle that we have been granted. If you have drawn these pictures, per se, then you have taken the risk of producing a child. Even with using protection and birth control there is still that chance that a child could be conceived. I am practicing abstinence for these reasons and feel like that when it is time to make a child I will make those strides towards reaching that goal.

Fred said...

Healthy lungs- That is exactly how it seems. The government holds a standard which says that fetus are only children when wanted by their parents.

Fred said...

I agree Wes. The only sure way not to become pregnant is not to have sex. Therefore pro-lifers support a woman's right to choose in recognizing her decision to engage in sexual activity or not. Also Wes, your right in saying that a Child is God's gift. The question remains when does a child's life begin?