Sunday, October 28, 2007

Public opinion. Polls and such.

Out of the six votes applied to the poll on the right, not a single person voted that abortion is unethical under all circumstances. Thirty three percent of the votes claimed that it is unethical to deny women the right to an abortion, and thirty three percent voted that abortion is unethical under most circumstances. Sixteen percent marked "I'm not sure," and the rest voted abortion as being justified only in specific circumstances. Granted, this poll does not reflect the opinions of a large pool of people. How well do these results match up with a more general public opinion?
According to a CBS news poll, thirty nine percent of Americans believe abortion ought to be made "generally available" to women. Thirty eight percent support the availability of abortion but with "stricter limits" than are imposed now. Twenty two percent of voters favored no abortions being allowed to take place at all. Over all, this split, in general favor of a semblance of pro-choice, is reflected well by our miniature poll on the right.


Dev Patel said...

The view towards pro-choice is supported by many people but I believe abortions should be performed in times of extreme circumstances such as rape. The birth of a person is a miracle in itself as many things have to go right for a person to be born. However, it is many times unhealthy if a woman does not want to have a baby but is pregnant. People should try to protect life because you never know what a person might be able to do in the world.

Krista said...

Wow, this post was really informative becuase I had no clue that such a high percentage of people were generally pro-choice. Pratically everytime I have talked to someone about this isse, their answer is always that it is unethical to have an obortion under any circumstance. It is so frustrating to talk to those people and try to get them to understand my viewpoint, or atleast a woman's viewpoint if they are male, and not necessarily to change their mind, but just see it from another point of view. Seeing that my vote would account for the 33% that claim "it is unethical to deny women the right to an abortion", I would say I am shocked, but yet pleased by the results! This post was a nice way to wrap up your argument, good job!

erin said...

I really enjoyed this post. It is a great way to relate our class opinions to the thoughts and ideas of people in society. It is very interesting to know that the majority of the votes were pro-choice. Good argument, by reading your blog I feel better informed concerning the topic of abortion and have been able to form a solid opinion on the topic.