Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Picking a Point.

When first assigned this project, I panicked. I sat at my lap top for an hour, begging my roommate to help me brainstorm about what public issue to choose. When I threw out the idea of abortion, she laughed. "Not very original," she said. She was right ...It's not very original. I sank back into my chair and began to scribble out a long list of obscure and petty topics, none of which truly caught my attention. I kept coming back to that "a" word third on my list. "Oh well," I thought. I put a star next to abortion and began to type. The issue interests me. It is a fundamental matter of debate in today's culture. It's one of those subjects that really pushes people's buttons. Why? Abortion is serious. It can be personal. It may not be a unique topic to study, but it is certainly relevant. It's a topic which, regardless of having an assignment, I think it is important to learn more about. I want to know exactly what I believe and why I believe it.

To understand the debate, It is necessary ask questions. Is abortion ethical? practical? Is it permissible under specific circumstances but not others? Should it be made illegal? We must consider to what extent are such questions relevant to the debate as a whole. How vague can answers be without losing their credibility? How specific, without losing their objectivity? The topic of discussion which surrounds abortion is much greater than a single polarized issue; it is a multi-faceted debate, which carries a wide range of perspectives, and within those perspectives, degrees of compliance. To better understand the abortion debate, It is important to not only look at what others have to say about the issue but under what variables, and to what extent, they are willing to support their assertions. It is important to remain open minded and it is essential to hold personal convictions.


Fashionable Tree Hugger said...

I agree the abortion issue is very well known topic yet very important to our society. Today, many women are criticized for their decision to haven an abortion but do we really know why? Some women actually have a valid reason for their choice to have one while others simply do it to get out of raising a child that came too soon. Honestly I would agree with the fact that we have to ask questions about this topic and how it is being viewed in our society. Abortion is just one of those issues that gives you two strong sides of debate with little room for one answer.

erin said...

While abortion is a current issue in our society, may individuals such as myself,are "sitting on the fence" concerning their position on the topic. How am I as a woman supposed to decide the fate of another woman's unborn child? I believe that abortion is a personal choice. If a woman is irresponsible in regards to her sexual activity and becomes pregnant, why should anyone besides her decide the future of her unborn child? While some see abortion as "murder", others see it as a very logical and responsible thing to do. If a woman believes she is not able to support and provide for herself, much less her child, why are we forcing her to have her baby? On the contrary, there are options for adoption and foster care. There are loving families out there who would love a newborn child. As I ask myself these questions and begin to lean to one side of the fence, someone brings up a new point and I find myself right where I started. You were definately correct in stating, abortion is much more than a polar issue.

April said...

I love the fact that you chose to focus on the abortion issue because of your families traditional views, that you wanted to determine your own personal view. Like you, I am on the fence about abortion. What really makes it right or wrong? Is it Murder or not? I feel that there are many different reasonings behind a mother of an unborn child making the decision to have an abortion. If a woman or teenager was raped, I understand where abortion would be logical. While at the same time there are many alternatives to abortion such as adoption or simply deciding to keep the child. Abortion is an important issue that I feel is very personal and will always be debatable.

Fred said...

Erin- I just want to say thanks for taking the time to be open about your perspective and also to throw out some thought provoking ideas. .
First you considered how you "as a woman[are]supposed to decide the fate of another woman's unborn child?" You proceeded to explain that you felt this ought to be a personal decision. Although I completely understand where you are coming from, I have to wonder if, with an issue as serious as abortion, an issue involving ethics,and which may or may not affect another human life beyond that of the mother's, can really be left to the discretion of any one specific individual. Smoking in public facilities is not a personal decision; the smokers rights are temporarily restricted to prevent potential harm from others. If we really consider what it is we are talking about here, and we consider that at the heart of the abortion debate lies the question of whether or not an individuals life is being taken from them against their will, then I don't think we can say that that decision, to determine whether or not a life may be potentially terminated, lies with the mother alone? It feels like a personal decision only because we aren't sure of what is at stake.

Secondly, you brought up the point that some see abortion as murder. Within the preceding sentence, you went on to describe a situation where a women considering abortion might be doubting the quality of life she could offer the child after going through with the pregnancy, and therefore saw abortion as a practical, if not ethical, choice. That is a viable point. However,if abortion is being considered murder, than it should be wrong under all circumstances, even if the mother feels she is saving the child from hurt in the future. Consider the fact that you would not kill a newborn because you are concerned about it's quality of life.

Fred said...

FTH- Thanks for your comment! I am really glad that you brought up the personal aspects that go into the issue of abortion. I think in a lot of people's minds it has simply become a political issue to heatedly debate rather than a real situation that people have to confront and deal with. I wish our society would spend less time arguing about it and more time trying to reach out to those affected as well as to work together towards an honorable solution.
Even if I don't believe in abortion, I still don't like to see how judged women are who make the decision to have abortions. I think it'd be interesting to research more on the thoughts, reasons, and emotions that coincide with making this decision. .
This link features clips from a new documentary which interviews women who have undergone abortions. It's really sad.