Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The Nitty Gritty of Abortion

Part of the definition of abortion should evolve from the techniques used within the process.
Perhaps the most common technique is called Suction Aspiration Abortion. This procedure is implemented usually within the first trimester, when ninety percent of all abortions occur. The process involves pulling the fetus or embryo apart and sucking it out of the mother. Sometimes a similar technique called Dilation and Cutterage is used but suction tools are replaced with sharp curettage. Other times doctors will resort to procedures such as Dilation and evacuation, Saline injection, or dilation and distraction. A clearer look at these techniques can help to better explain what abortion is. No one can make a proper decision on their perspective of the issue if they don't even understand what is done during the procedure.


Krista said...

Wow, that link to Suction Aspiration Abortion was really informing and gave me a new outlook on the issue. Before, I never understood the exact process of how an abortion is handled and always had a more feminist view that woman should make the choice and it shouldn't be a law. Although I still do agree with that, I now realize the immorality of the situation after reviewing the procedure in the link you provided. I mean i have always understood that for religious reasons people are pro-life but when I actually witnessed what would be done, it seems so unnatural and unhealthy even for the mother. I think that every woman who plans on having an abortion should know exactly what is happening to their child and their body not just with words, but pictures, and models to really understand what will happen. I thought this post was very influential by presenting the importance of understanding an abortion procedure in an non bias way. Nice job!

Anonymous said...

It is a very gruesome process, similar to the idea behind partial-birth abortion. the common term behind that, usually used by pro-lifers, is "dilation and extraction". I agree with you that it is extremely important to know the methods behind abortion otherwise people just judge it based on the outcome.

Fred said...

Thanks for the comment Krista!
I agree completely with what you said about women being completely informed. I've been to plenty of abortion clinic websites that I honestly felt "sugar coated" the process. On the other end I've heard people state that it is not fair for anti-abortion websites to show the "gruesome" pictures from abortion procedures in an attempt to appeal to people emotionally. How is this not fair when all those sites are doing is showing the truth? Women making the decision have a right to be able to see EXACTLY what having an abortion can mean.

Fred said...

Andrew is completely right in his "dilation and extraction" comment. "Distraction" was a mistake (typo)on my part. "extraction" is the proper name for the procedure. Thanks Andrew!